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storchy trouble?

storchy neil

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storchys mate rings hey storchy are you busy bring your trailer over to baggginna


aload tractor on and take it to echuca


now every thing was fine untill on the outskirts echuca the mirror was filled whith these flashing red and blue lights or blue and red lights thought he was at a disco (to old for that )


now straight away he knew that this is not a good sighn


cause in the off side mirror is the biggggggest copper storchy seen for some time


then the windscreen filled up and the copper is not loocking to happyyyy


thats when this very cute young lady says good afternoon sir do you have your licence


now storchy gets his eyes back into there sockets and produces licence


now is there any reason why you were speeding sir


now quick as a flash storchy replys


yeh that bloody tractor to close to close me arxxxx so book him for tail gateing


now this cute copper had storchy out and into a uniform that he cant move very well in


now dont trust cute little coppers


hey tomo if you can unlock bmw see if you can unlock this padded door storchy



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