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About PommyRick

  • Birthday 03/10/1984


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    Lake Macquarie, NSW
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  1. Would something like this work? https://www.scintex.com.au/products/portable-fuel-tank-75l?variant=5563747794973&currency=AUD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAiA55mPBhBOEiwANmzoQgLLlE1U_nJNRmwjMsSI1Y7Axl8ZwomooQX8PHZ_NjRpj17A2_f7MBoCgSoQAvD_BwE
  2. The primary benefit of having CAPS is that it gives you one more option to choose from should the worst happen, so of course it would always be preferable to fly an aircraft with one.
  3. I'm curious to know how who uses MOGAS or UL98 in their Rotax aircraft? How do you get it the airfield? Is it a headache carrying jerry cans and trying not to spill fuel? Do you experience issues? Do many airfields sell MOGAS? Can you use it interchangeable with avgas? Do many people not use MOGAS at all in their Rotax engines?
  4. I've got one of the older Garmin D2's (the D2 Charlie). I use it everyday, it's a great all round watch and has all the fitness and heart rate monitoring etc. It's great for tracking flights and replaying them, it also links directly to Garmin online logbook and keeps the entry with the tracks etc. Some of the features are a little gimmicky and I suspect you wouldn't use them in flight, except perhaps the direct to feature if you had a power failure and were lost perhaps? It does take a while to learn all of the features and get used to it, plus if you haven't had a smart watch before you'll have to remember to recharge it. I think the build quality is better than the apple watch that my wife has.
  5. They sent an email looking for offers a few weeks ago for these last three Bristell. But with 1700/1800 hours, they are pretty high.
  6. I think one went for around the $500k mark, there was a bidder from India bidding hard.
  7. Thats the final bid including GST, the 8.5% and payment fee is on top of that. The Tecnams went for $110K - $126k
  8. The first of three auctions concluded this evening, a flurry of activity in the final few minutes. One of the yellow VH Bristells with 795 hours went for $81.5k whilst the older red/yellow RAA one crept over the $100k mark.
  9. Slight thread drift, but are there any advantages/disadvantages to having an aircraft on a Special Certificate of Airwithiness for Light Aircraft vs RAA Aus? I hold a CASA PPL and am weighing several LSA aircraft that would suit us, most flights are undertaken with just myself or with a wife or child so it seems pointless to buy a knackered old 4 seat aircraft on a full CoA.
  10. Painful to watch seeing such stupidity. But then if you watch the dash cam videos that come out of Russia you can gain a great insight into some of the risky behaviour traits.
  11. The same way they do whenever GNSS spoofing and blocking is encountered now, using radio nav. Certainly overseas in certain countries their are regular instances of interference with GNSS signals.
  12. Drone detection and blocking is available now, especially for the commercially available equipment. Simply block the operational or GNSS frequencies and you have solved one part of the problem. DroneGuns (signal blockers) are already in use at the commonwealth games. Direction finding technology, drone detection equipment and blocking equipment is now being used in prisons and around airports. The only drones that can't be totally affected by signal blocking are those with inertial navigation systems built in, which includes the majority of the military drones. However there seems to be other electronic warfare technology for those.
  13. Amazing effort by this young man. It's quite incredible how magnus effect works. It's also being used in the maritime industry to generate additional power/reduce fuel consumption. Wind-powered ‘rotor ship’ a first | Port Authority New South Wales
  14. So how many of the members here started building an aircraft in their 20's and 30's? Having the time and money to build an aircraft is most likely limited to people in the 40's, 50's and 60's and I suspect that hasn't changed in the last 30-40 years and probably longer. I am in my early 30's and for the last few years have been merely keeping current until I have both time and financial stability to pursue aviation further, luckily I have a very supportive wife. I also earn considerably more than the average salary, so cannot see average salary guys in their 30's with a family making a big commitment to their hobbies.
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