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Thruster Ultralights

Drew Ford

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Hi Guys,


Thrusters Galore, early days, T300, T500, 


Factory Manual. 1000 Photos, early Club Members.


I have a lot of memorabilia of Thruster Aircraft in its early beginnings. 


Photos Flying at Picton S.W of Sydney. 


Storm damage. to many Thrusters at The Oaks.


New Club House built by members.


Photos -Factory,  service photos.


Flying at The Oaks West of Sydney. Camden Air Show., The Hawkesbury, North Sydney.


Club fly aways Broken Hill, Grawin Opel fields, Lightning Ridge, Oberon, Fitzroy Falls Mittagong, Batemans Bay.


Photos Free to Good home.


 Location: Sydney Australia. 



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Hi octave,


Yes I was, at that time the Factory School was at the Oaks west of Sydney.


Great club members and following from all over the world.


Enjoyed that time of flying very much, with great memories.


Andrew Ford.



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Hi Stuart,


You must have been one of the originals as well.


My CFI. PE. Licence with the AUF was 0541 which is one of the earliest CFI licences except for David Belton and Mr Dinsmore the National flying coach.


I live in Harris Park at the moment until March 6th. then Oseas.


Have to find a way to get the photos to you.


if you have any ideas give me a ring on 0490447795


Regards Drew Ford.



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Hi Stuart,


You must have been one of the originals as well.


My CFI. PE. Licence with the AUF was 0541 which is one of the earliest CFI licences except for David Belton and Mr Dinsmore the National flying coach.


I live in Harris Park at the moment until March 6th. then Oseas.


Have to find a way to get the photos to you.


if you have any ideas give me a ring on 0490447795


Regards Drew Ford.



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Are there many Thrusters still flying?

Do you 3 point them or wheel them on?

I could be wrong but I think they are the third most common type on the Raa register.


Can land them either way. A good fun cheap aircraft with bit of challenge and skill required. Slow.



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Hi Yenn, 


Yes I believe there are many Thrusters flying, no factory support, but many technical people pool their knowledge and owners can keep their machines in the air.


I was the factory CFI and I learnt to 3 point them on, but an analysis of damage to the aircraft if the student got it wrong or panicked when the aircraft started kangaroo hopping down the strip, made it prudent to teach the students a way out if they could not 3 point them, so we also wheeled them on. In the end a typical landing was sort of half 3 pointer and half wheels on.


Regards Andrew.



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