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Pixhawk autopilot

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While I won't be the first to install an autopilot, this low cost system looks suitable to me. I reckon you could make a full-size plane version and fly your Jabiru using it. It is using open-source software so in time a small outfit could use it to produce an autopilot.

Personally, I would like a heading and altitude-hold system which was fail-safe and cheap. The fail-safe could be achieved simply by making the auto system work only on the trims for example . Maybe this would not be considered a legal autopilot?

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Interesting idea for experimental aircraft. I have built 2 fixed wing models using the pixhawk autopilot. The software has tons of features some of which may or may not be useful for manned aircraft. But the 2 models I built will auto-takeoff, fly gps waypoints at altitude, and auto-land. I am sure the features you want could be adapted nicely!

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Some A/P modes are not safe. Alt hold or V/s are not. Airspeed hold is. The other concern is servo disconnect or overpower and how much out of trim the plane is flying. With a lot of autopilots you disengage regularly and check the trim. Nev

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Some A/P modes are not safe. Alt hold or V/s are not. Airspeed hold is. The other concern is servo disconnect or overpower and how much out of trim the plane is flying. With a lot of autopilots you disengage regularly and check the trim. Nev


I agree. A faulty servo operating a trim tab going full deflection and jamming would be a real concern. I'd install a proper A/P if you really felt the need to remove the fun in flying our little fun maxhines??

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A lot of people seem to be installing them these days. Maybe it is that long trips over relatively featureless terrain having an AP will reduce stress levels a bit. I have only used AP once & that was in a club Archer 2 back in the early 90s. I read the manual & had a go on a fairly long trip but found it boring so never used it again. I find that if I get high and out of the relative turbulence I can just trim for S&L & look out the window leaving my hands free & just adjust for track/alt as required.

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The trouble with that idea of " a proper autopilot " is the $500,000 for purchase and installation. Anyway, just what is improper about the setup I proposed? Besides being illegal on account of how nobody has paid the millions for certification....

What alternative would you have to offer for my budget of $300?

That's interesting Nev about altitude hold being unsafe. Do you mean that the airspeed could go over VNE if you flew through a thermal while the altutude hold was on? Would not the autopilot be configured to stop this happening?

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What I'm suggesting is that heading should be set. while speed and altitude hold are set within some limits. The altitude hold should be a secondary thing. Can you do this with an autopilot?

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