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buying a plane from over seas


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hope i have the right place to ask this question.... please forgive me if i don't.


i'm new to flying and i'm hoping to buy a good 2 seater plane.


i found one for sale, but a big prob is, it's in canada....


its a rand robinson KR2. i think it was built in 1990. with a great plains 1835. TT 72hrs.


i know i have to ask about its condition, and prob an independent report would be good.


i would also need to know, how much to get it out here.


if anyone has any views on buying a plane like this, positive or negative, i would love to hear it.


any advice on what i should do?







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Do a bit of a search around other forums here and you will find a lot of good advice on the pros and cons of importing versus buying local. If importing, as well as some risk with unknown history, packing, freight and initial RAA certification costs need to be viewed as a percentage of the overall value of your purchase.


The bigger the dollar value of the initial purchase, the less this matters, but at the lower end of the used market, I can't see it makes financial sense to import a completed aeroplane.


Kits are another matter, but then usually the factory takes care of the freight etc.



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