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Hangaring for beginners


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Hello all, I'm on my way to fly and hopefully to own a personal aircraft. It is going to take a while but I'll get there. I was wondering, one of the issues would be where to put it once purchased. I thought it maybe something to do now (get a hangar somewhere and rent it out to pay for it or at least most of it). Then when the time comes I'll have my spot. I'm based in the Adelaide Hills and anything within an hour or so will be fine. Any thoughts on cost, opportunities, pros and cons of a bigger hangar versus smaller (maybe less eccentric aviators to deal with but maybe that's a good thing), location, airfield reputation, accessibility, security, demand etc etc. My prelim calcs seem to indicate it's possible to cover costs and have the asset and then there will be no hassle getting a spot later on. Any comments on this topic gratefully accepted. Cheers



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I looked into hangaring at Goolwa and it's pretty reasonable. You can lease a plot of land for around $1800pa (25 + 25 year lease) then build a hangar and rent it out. To just pay for hangaring there is around $200 per month.


Another option fo ryou might be Rollo's (sp?) which is near Murray Bridge. This is a private strip and hangarage might be available. Murray Bridge itself is pretty expensive.


BTW - I'm in the Southern suburbs and fly from MB because I like the people there :) It's not all about the flying - a lot of it is social as well.



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