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Hello To Everyone @ TAA, My name is Amy, and have only recently started getting some hours towards my PPL and then slowly but surely progress to my CPL 001_smile.gif.2cb759f06c4678ed4757932a99c02fa0.gif.

You'll hate it here, Amy. It's dead boring. There are no flame wars, and all everyone ever talks about is aeroplanes and stuff like that. No one throws any insults or gets their knickers in a twist, and they're all terribly civil even when they disagree.


Still, if you can tolerate that, you might find something to interest you.....001_smile.gif.2cb759f06c4678ed4757932a99c02fa0.gif


Welcome aboard,





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Hi Amy and welcome. You don't happen to know a friend by the name of Paul Phibbs who is also training for his PPL with Gostner? Unfortunately he hasn't been around much lately due to work committments.





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