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16 year old Solo around Australia for World Record

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8 months of planning have lead up to this challenge. One me, one Bristell LSA and one country to be conquered to spread the message of STEM subject awareness among school students nationwide. I take off on September 8th from YBSU for this awesome journey. Would love to start a discussion with everyone about their experiences flying in remote/outback areas! 


Long story short, I started flying at 14 and have self-funded all my training so far. Will be using RPC with Nav and CSU, as well as RPL for CTA/CTR for the trip. I have a great team of people and sponsors behind me and we're looking forward to a great adventure. 


Keep up to date with everything at here !











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Well done so far Liam. Your organising looks to have been comprehensive, and no doubt you'll be successful if everything goes to plan.


As a retired scientist, I'm curious to know how you plan to correlate a round-Australia flight, to encouraging students to take up STEM subjects?  I'm struggling to see the connection.  With increasing numbers of tertiary students, but less future jobs in the studied disciplines - do you think a broad-brush approach to STEM studies is likely to succeed?





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Very good question!


Obviously, the connection is not immediately obvious, but I will be doing a number of talks at schools all around the country in order to promote STEM. It's interesting to hear your view on the future of careers... the data that has been correlated by myself and a few contacts at universities around the country has shown that jobs within the discipline are expected to sky rocket over the next 20 years, with over 650,000 jobs in the technology field alone needed in that time. 


To be perfectly frank, I don't believe such a broad brush approach is the best way to be promoting STEM, but after a lot of thinking and research done by myself and my team, we came to the conclusion that this is the best way to leverage this current opportunity with the message. This way we manage to reach the largest number of people in as small a space as possible.







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