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:biggrin:Well woke up at 5am to catch DJ 207 to Brisbane. Arrived in Sydney with a huge line anyway finally got through and they told us we had to go own to check in line number one for international connections :mad:. Check in line one said flights departing in 30 minutes not international connections. Anyway got checked in went through screening. There was no starbucks :mad:. Anyway a subway and aromas for breaky then. Landed in Brissy where my uncle was waiting to take us to the international which was nice. Had a coffee with him did some duty free shopping and boarded the plane to Port Vila. Brisbane international airport is a ver very pretty airport i must say :biggrin:


Brisbane - Port Vila




Talk about a room with a view




Tusker Prayer i say it ever night before i go to sleep :biggrin:




Approach Into Brisbane




Anyway time to go home. checked in with no aircon so it was stinking hot inside. There was a nice Pacific Blue plane parked next to a Air Vanuatu 737-800. Boarded nicely to hear that there was no entertainment packs :confused: So i stuck to the iPod and enjoyed the flight over to Brissy. Had one of the smoothest landings i have ever had. Went through immigration and handed our bags over to the transfer desk where the virgin lady handed us some sky train tickets to the domestic. Went and bought a meat pie and chips at last Australian food. The flight back to Sydney was on board a Pacific Blue aircraft so no foxtel to watch the bledisloe cup :mad: Well smooth flight all went well runway 16R arrival so long taxi. Got the rental car and finally arrived home around midnight last night. All in all a very ncie trip.


I also did a bit of spotting the day before i left so i uploaded a couple of pics to the gallery enjoy :biggrin:



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Long live Tusker. I just got back from Port Vila a couple of weeks ago - pretty much the same experiences. Don't you just love the organised customs screening at Bauerfield?? Only downside to my trip was the weather related foul-ups on our return from Brissie to Tassie (16th Sept). Half hour late out of BNE - 45 minutes holding over Cessnock - missed connecting to Launceston so got flown to Hobart instead - then a two hour drive home. Still... we got home. I'll post some pics from my trip when I remember my flash drive :)



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