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F-111 spotting


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I'am sascha from Germany, member of a small german spotter-group (Airshow-Party).


This year we're planning a trip to RAAF Amberley to see the last flying F-111. The trip would be very expensive, so it's necessary to plan it well. Please allow me some questions:


1.) Is it possible to get good pictures from outside the base?


2.) Will the F-111 fly daily (except Sat. & Sun.)?


3.) Is it allowed to take pictures from military aircrafts in Australia?


4.) Is there a chance to get a base visit for foreign visitors?


In 2007 the F-111 displayed at LIMA-Airshow on Lankawi Island? Will they do so this Year? Would be a great option for a stop over on our way to Australia!


Is the next Red Flag (Feb./March) the last for the F-111 or will they come back for a last time in 2010?


Thank's for your answers!


Greetings from cold Germany





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Gday Sascha


i will awnser your questions to the best i can i have been to the base as a Cadet (Australian Air Force Cadets) and i have flow at a flying school there for the AAFC.


Q1. Is it possible to get good pictures from outside the base?


Ok to be honest not really there is alot of trees around the base but there is an alright spot which is quite a distance from the main rwy 15/33 but you can sorta see 04/22 but roads are quite a distance from the perimeter fence not like your local airports when you can go right up close well most airports hehe


Q2 Will the F-111 fly daily (except Sat. & Sun.)?


Umm they sorta fly when ever they dont usually have like a flight everyday and if they do it will only be 1 F-111 at a time usually and anytime during the day. the last i was up there i only saw the F-111 fly about 3times during my 10days at amberley so its a chance thing


Q3 Is it allowed to take pictures from military aircrafts in Australia?


Ok you arnt allowed to take pictures from inside the base if you do and get seen you will be asked to delete all photos but outside the base im sure you are allowed to no one is stopping you from taking them.


Q4 Is there a chance to get a base visit for foreign visitors?


Ok you may be able to get a visit in but that all depends on the person in charge of the base and then might be able to take pictures but it all depends if the base it active or deactive but the base is usually active monday to friday 0800-1800 i think but its like that but it is only controled when the C-17 or big heavys come in


I hope these answers help you but i may be wrong in some parts but thats from what i can remember


Ok cya


Mattie Cribb



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