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RAA Flying Training


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I helped him put a few hours on the new one lol....


Not a Gazelle fan myself though :(


yeah I will say hi for you when I get my damn drifter in the air and get back out the the field.





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Guest TOSGcentral

Hmmm! A hasty correction to something that Adam said above. if I may.


I do not know who is putting it around that I have my ratings renewed - I DO NOT!


I have found it very difficult to retire and have more than enough on with running TOSG and doing airframe development work on the Thrusters.


Really the only flying that I do these days is test flying or giving my prototypes or Adam's Glasshouse a trot around the block.


I will do taildragger familiarisation and Thruster technique demonstrations and orientation on a mutual or pax flying basis - then drag Kev in for BFR or endorsements - but that is about it. I usually have at least one serviceable T300 or T500 around the place.


Oh! I do not take much persuading to do PMI (Principles & Methods of Instruction) work as I specialise in that area and have on-going interest in it.


Another word for Nathan - as JimG says, Kev has one training programme where you are started in the Drifter and finish in the Technam or Sportstar. This does not appear to extend the time much, or at all, and you come out the other end with nosewheel, tailwheel, high performance, low performance, two stroke, four stroke and radio endorsements - so you get a very firm starting basis.


You could then come to someone like me to find out what makes more exacting taildraggers tick. I am only about 20 minutes drive away from Kev.



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I'm from the other side of this discussion as it were. I started on the Jab and Tecnam (and Cessna for a bit)and now wish'd I had started from a low innertia tail dragger like the drifter. They teach much better balance control and exact flying. Now I probably have a load of bad habits and sloppy techniques to work on when I go on to higher performance taildraggers like the pitts and RVs which I always planned on aiming for. I have also now developed a bit of a curiosity about these little blow flies and want to know more. I might even go that way for a first ownership. My first sail boat was a little 19ft endeavour. You can't beat simplicity to learn and gain solid experience. So Kev sounds like the place to go. Given the choice now, I'd have gone that way to start with. Live and learn I guess.



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