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mike juliet sierra just landed


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Hi all,


I got my PPL back in 1999, but haven't flown since mid-2002 051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif because we started a family. Now that the kids are a bit older, I'm looking at getting back into flying albeit in a microlight! Hi to everyone here, I look forward to speaking with some like minded people soon.


Cheers, Michael.



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HI there Mike and welcome


You have made a good choice to try the microlight. I am a traineee microlight pilot and have bought an Airborne XT912 Tundra. My wife has had her first flight this weekend just gone and loved it as indeed I do and more so now that I know that she will fly with me when I get the licence and endorsements etc. Have you commenced your training yet. One lesson and you are hooked. Look forward to hearing of your progress.







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Hi Jim/Bill


Thanks for your replies.


I haven't actually started training yet. This Sunday we're going to Bright (central Vic) for a week and I know that there is a flying school called Eagle that fly out of there. I'm going to do a TIF with them and see what I think. I live in Melbourne so I probably wont do all my training with them as it is too far to travel but I believe there's a mob that operate out of Pt Cook called Melbourne Microlights.


I can't see myself buying one any time soon as we simply can't afford it, but reading the threads here has got my enthusiasm going!!! My wife only went up with me once in a Cessna and was somewhat nervous during that flight, so I'm not sure that she'll be all that keen to join me in the sky...


Cheers, Michael



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  • 2 weeks later...



What do you know, if anything, of DTK Microlights in La Trobe valley?


I did my flight with Steve on Wednesday of last week and it was every bit as good as I thought it would be, albeit, a bit cold (minus 3 deg!!!). But that's ok!! I found what I wanted, all I need to do now is figure out how to pay for it all.......


Cheers, Michael.



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