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Bad Storm Damage at Watts Bridge..?


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G'day 'Team',


Heard two aviators talking air-to-air yesterday (Sunday) about a “Drifter that was so severely damage that it looked like a ball to broken metal bits†plus they indicated that a number of hangers had their doors ripped off… They appeared to be talking about the aftermath of a localised very serve storm front that moved through the Watts Bridge airfield area, North West of Brisbane, plus other areas too.


Does anyone have an update on this?


Never good news when one is on the receiving end of these storm cells and looking at the weather radar at the time, the area over Watts Bridge was being plastered by quite high levels of rain intensity. Parts of the radar paint were in the maximum rainfall colour of black…


Which brings me to ask the question, what structural/storm/cyclone rating are the ‘standard’ flat sided steel/aluminium hangers we all see around most airfields?


The one’s I’ve used have either the multiple folding door type which appear to have their doors just hanging on rollers at the top and with some guide rail supports along the floor or the one or two piece doors which slide open and closed. All seem to be built to a fairly generalised storm rating standard. I’d venture to say that a 150 k/ph wind would return any of these doors with the unfortunate resulting serious damage at would occur.


Our localised small storm cell fronts appear to be occurring with stronger intensity over the past year or so and it’s not at all uncommon to have winds of up to 200 k/ph with-in these cells, admittedly these storm/wind fronts are very small in size but it’d be worth checking upon your structures rating and also your insurance cover rating too for both your aircraft and the hanger too!


I was going to say ‘cheers’ but as this is not a good news line I’ll leave it at ‘yours in aviation’,





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G'day 'Team',


My apologies regarding my typo errors in my thread/s and or replies.


It’s quite frustrating my one reads an item with incorrect spelling or grammar but believe me, it’s even more annoying when you know you have a possible dyslexia problem and use a good quality spell and grammar checking program and it’s still not coming out correct… As I said, my apologies and I’ll attempt to improve my keyboard typing.







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Its cool as pointed out before it dont matter


Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, olny taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pcleas. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by ilstef, but the wrod as a wlohe.



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