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Faulklands war

Guest ozzie

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Had the opportunity to spend a few hours in Stanley a couple of years ago. More English than England! The Argentinians are totally wasting there time on "Las Malvinas" as they call the Island group as no British PM could ever give them to Argentina under any circumstance.

Las Malvinas son Argentinas.



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I just remember it from hazy news footage. points remembered was the jorno pointing out that the exocets were fused wrong and passing thru the aluminium ships then exploding. The Argertinians appreciated that and corrected that mistake. Aluminium makes for a light warship but burns well.


If you throw enough at a ship sooner or later it will run out of things to throw back.


If you are British, don't trust the French.


Don't trust the British not to sink you outside the warzone.


And if you sell your future enemy tools of war, make sure they pay for them before they use them against you.


It comes across to me as a silly war caused by the stuboness of a couple of politians causing to many good people to be killed on both sides.


I read in todays paper that the Argentinians are upset that the British are drilling for the oil reserves in the area. So i don't think there will be any handback in the near future.





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