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HI All,


Will be starting my cross country soon and started looking at ERSA's. I know my instructor will help me with all this in due course but in the meantime:


I'm looking at Caloundra (local to my aerodrome and in the 25nm so i could land there now). The ersa says preferred runways for both departure and arrivals. The first preferred runway however is different for each (05 for arrivals and 23 for departures). Am i missing something here? It is late in the day but does this mean that the preferred runways have aircraft wanting to take off and arrive into each other (barring other factors per the ersa).


I know in reality You wouldn't take off on 23 when someone is landing on 05 just because the ersa says so but i really do think I am missing something here.







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G'day Shags, I'm not very experienced on this AD, but in my understanding...


05 approach would be preferred due to built up area at the end of 23, and also departure on 23 would be preferred due to the built up area once again. They are conflicting on each other, but I guess you would just fit in with what ever was happening at the time.


My bet would be in using 12 for high traffic departure and arrivals (touch n go's). Should have mostly into wind ops that way also, due to the sea breeze often coming in from the east. Only issue to that would be a back track on 05, then backtracking 12. So 23 would be the best bet for a departure.


Also note circuit directions, obviously due to the built up area's once again.


Hope that helps - and I've never been there, just going by what I probably would do.



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Thanks tommo. I think I could work it out entering the circuit from elsewhere but was just wondering the theory behind the opposing ruwnays for arrival and departure. Just seemed a little strange but i think you are right. It makes sense.



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You may have already figured this out but, you'll notice the runway preferences come under the "noise abatement" heading. Therefore, they are only preferred but not mandatory. A little like taking off from 24 at YCAB, it is preferred that you turn left onto crosswind at the highway but that only applies if you have already reached 500ft. If not, you keep flying out till you do, regardless of whether that takes you over residential/hospital etc.




So, at YCDR, if you were departing, it would be "preferred" that you took off from 23, but if the RWY in use or the conditions dictated a RWY 12 departure then that is what you'd use, while doing your best to comply with the "noise abatement" procedures. The same applies for arrival. Listen and observe what RWY in operation and what does the weather dictate. Then decide from there. The key is in the wording of point 1: "Subject to weather or other operational constraints,...."



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A lot of airports have preferred runways. If there's no wind no traffic, use the preferred runway. If there's no wind and there is traffic, the traffic would most likely conform to the preferred runway anyway, but use the same runway as the traffic. If there's wind, use the runway into wind, which most likely will be the one in use by other traffic.



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