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Posts posted by houvanvlieg

  1. Likely wrong but here it goes.

    The wing stalls when the critical AOA is exceeded.  35 kts or 235 kts. Indicated airspeed has nothing to do with it. Getting slow in the pattern likely means one is pulling feet to nose, thus loading the wings and closer to the stall "speed", rather stall AOA.

    Seems some refer to stall/spin as if it is synonyms. It is not. You cannot spin if the ball is in the middle aka coordinated flight. A spin can only develop if you have both: stalled wing(s)    AND yaw. The latter stalls one wing more than the other and sure she'll spin.

    The "falling leaf" is a fun maneuver to get rid of this "fear of stalls".  In the pattern I rather stall into the ground at 42 kts, VSI 500 fpm down, then spin in at VSI 1500 fpm. 

    Base to final spin. Because we are taught not to bank more than 30 degrees and now we help the nose around to the centre line instead of banking 45 or 60 degrees AND unloading the wing AND keeping the ball in the middle.

    Too much to ask. I knew I was wrong.


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