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Posts posted by stewart

  1. Well I`ll be!!!! Lee Wakelin, still flying! Now there`s an even scarier thought. 023_drool.gif.742e7c8f1a60ca8d1ec089530a9d81db.gif... 022_wink.gif.2137519eeebfc3acb3315da062b6b1c1.gif.Lee, I`m glad to have you on this forum and very pleased to have made contact, after all these years.





    Hello Frank


    I just replied to one of your earlier posts from a few years ago so not sure if you got that one. I am looking for a Drifter wire-braced manual A-532/582 which you posted you had. Is there any chance of getting a copy? either digital or paper would be fine. I'm in WA.


    Stewart, on Email [email protected]



  2. Drifter Operators Manual.Hi Vorticity,


    I have an "Austflight Aviation PTY LTD" original Drifter Operators Manual for a wire braced AC of that period,I still have that Drifter.


    This manual is for A-532/582 however I started off with a 503 and was given this manual by Austflight.I then went on to use a furthur 4, 582 motors on the Drifter.


    If you think this manual is of any use to you,get back to me and I`ll do something for you.




    farri. ;)

    Hello Farri


    I am actually looking for an A-532/582 if you can help, either digital or paper.


    Regards, Stewart, Email [email protected]



  3. Hello Ozzie


    Seperate issue. I am looking for a contact for Ron Wheeler and I am told you may have a contact. Just aquired a Scout and need set up books and info.


    If possible could you please email that to me on [email protected]


    Still working out this forum.




    It is simple Frank, CASA want to be able to make everyone traceable if they need to hunt you down. Everyone except GA pilots who are on file directly with CASA, so they are covered by them. Everyone else RC flyers, Glider pilots, HG and PG some trikes, Gyros, skydivers and us all have to be members of the applicable association or regulating body. Obvious that this is so every one is kept up to date with changes of operations and regs plus if you do something wrong you are more easily found for punishment. About two years ago i had a Scout owner contact me looking for parts we started talking about things and he had never heard of the AUF and RAAus. He was off the grid so to speak. So there must be a few more in the same boat. He had a Mk 2 Scout. Owned it since 1980. Self taught never pranged it just replaced bits and pieces as needed with what he had on site. Typical remote cockie. Try and get him to cough up dollars for what he don't need, i am sure he will sik the dogs onto who ever turns up at his door to try and collect it. Would i ever 'dob' him in? Bloody never! And i would go after anyone that would.ozzie




  4. Hi All


    Good to see another Rec. flying site.


    I am 59 years old and have been flying since I was 16 when I started training on Chipmunks. Started with a PPL then moved to a CPL then got involved with ultralights in the early 1990's. Although my wife and I still have a RA-Aus flying school we have mostly retired from that to get back to some really grass roots flying. We have owned a Chinook and Thruster, built a Savannah in the past and are currently restoring a couple of gyrocopters. We have just published a Flight Training Manual for Rec. flying and now flying for fun. Favourate Rec. aircraft are Drifters and Thrusters.







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