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blue sky

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Posts posted by blue sky

  1. Yes there was a court case but the licence was cancelled before the case went to trial, it was a criminal trial in the District Court not one instigated by CASA.  At the trial the CASA rep for safety committed perjury under oath when he denied he knew the penalty for flying below 500', presumably because it would damage the crown case for manslaughter,which the pilot was found not guilty of but guilty of," reckless flying endangering life", received a suspended sentence over turned on appeal in Supreme Court to a 2 year Intensive Correction Order (ICO). 


    So if you are considering an off airport landing be very careful because they now consider flying below 500' at an area not designated as an airport as reckless flying, under aviation law it can receive up to a 14 year sentence


     Thank you all for taking the time to rely.



  2. Hi all, hoping to tap into the accumulated knowledge and experience here.


    A couple of questions, I can find no information on CASA website regarding a cancelled PPL and if it can ever be reinstated like a drivers license can. Secondly, you can fly under the GFA umbrella with said cancellation, would the cancelled PPL license effect the ability to obtain a recreational power license, now or some time in the future. I have heard that CASA are planning to add a question to the RAA medical, if and when they take control, regarding previously denied and cancelled medicals and PPLs .



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