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Posts posted by Jase618

  1. Hi everyone! I hope I'm in the right place? is this where they hold AA (Aviation Anonymous) meetings..?!?!?!


    Guess I'd better stand for this bit..


    Hi I'm Jason and I'm an Aviationoholic....


    It has been way too long between flights, started back in 1999 at both Murray Bridge and then Gawler flying Jabiru's.


    Work, life, marriage, kids, business, divorce, more work and business's, all got in the way but the time has come to get back into the skies after the longest break!


    I'm sure so much has changed rules and regulation wise, but from the quick look around I've had on here, flying still brings that same passion, excitement, and comradery between people that it did all those years ago!


    Feel free to say hi, and if you ever need any additional ballast let me know!



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