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Posts posted by Ivan

  1. Personally, I blame it on what I call the Harvard School of Management.. Not pointing fingers at Harvard per se, but a lot of people who do MBAs and such, spout a lot of carp about how this authoris says this or that author says that... the authors are usually academics rather than experienced in their field, and the MBAs just take what they say at face value because it sounds intuitive and then implement it. I can't even recall a HR department in the old days - there was a payroll office and that was about it. Now, the carp we have to deal with, with HR, who add zippo real value, is insane. Look at ISO requirements - if you want to be ISO9001 qualified and you're a small business, forget it as you can't employ enough people to look after your quality systems and do the work and pay them all. And I worked for an AS3563 (equivalent to ISO9001) certified organisation. They had an impressive array of quality manuals, almost as long as the building itself. On our induction, we had to sit through a day of quality training given in hushed monotone. Their were manuals for everything - even how to use the kitchen facilities - I kid you not. No-one read them; people did the work they way they were trained and there were no probs. We completed the documentation required when we needed to.. Even teh CEO said it was a waste, but clients required it, so we did it.


    Nowadays there is a "Professional certification" for virtually any occupation. I have seen people employ many still wet behind the ears but have sat a 3 day course at c. £3k and achieved a professional certification and get a job over someone also qualified but without this "professional" certification such as Prince2, with oodles of proven experience - and it coss te company much more. I did one of those certifications - without it I wouldn't get a job.. But no-on I know who has one ever uses it any more than they did before they did the certification, which is not much.

    Sad but true - gone are the days when you could go to work, have fun and be recognised for your capabilities and loyalty. Worse still are the so called "learned management" get promoted when they stuff up..... Shouldn't get involved in this discussion on an aviation page but it makes me angry

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