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Posts posted by AviatorMagazine

  1. That does not surprise me at all, do you do investigative stories?

    LOL - I've known about this for a while now and we were even invited by the committee to submit a tender to publish the new mag which we did along with a rather strong worded letter urging them to find anyone else at all, even if not us, to publish it in terms of the sub-standard product they were getting for 'your' money. I was minded to publish a story as a lot of our time was wasted educating the relevant parties in the realities of publishing but at that point in time such a feature would have reeked of sour grapes. Even now I am reluctant to publish anything as the aviation community is so divisive (and so vocal when gripes are aired!) and it might be detrimental to the reputation of one of the only expanding sectors in our wonderful but impoverished industry i.e. recreational flying. There might not even be a story there BUT any good journalist researching such matters always begins by establishing who knows who and then just following the money...



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  2. In the last Audited Annual Report, 2010, printing costs were $410,128.00 CFI and Don.

    I'm the publisher of Aviator Magazine and as we are just in the middle of adding more recreational content, I thought I'd swing by and check out what the industry 'Bible' is covering so we don't duplicate topics when I came across this thread. I considered it for a while but felt I had to chip in my two cents' worth following the comment above that print costs were $410K in 2010. Any of you who have seen Aviator will hopefully agree that our print quality and design is easily the pick of the aviation magazine crop - we deliberately produce it as a glossy coffee table style publication (that's not to say it is any better than the others at all: it's just an in-house style decision we have for all our publications). Anyhoo, the moral of the story is that our print costs are by far and away our largest cost and we pay a hefty premium to get it to look as flash as possible. Our print run is similar to RAA Aus and the rest...BUT, without divulging anything overly confidential, our annual print costs for Aviator are almost HALF the figure quoted for your 2010 print cost audit. I really don't think that figure given can be correct. It must be for the overall cost of production and distribution, particularly as the 'publisher' back then was also the printing company but even if it was all inclusive it seems mighty high...



  3. October Competition Winner


    Hey Guys!


    We finally scrambled together the inaugural Aviator photo comp winner last month who was Mick Ryan - congratulations.


    It seems already that this month there are some superb shots so judging will be far harder this time around!


    Could I ask you all, as well as posting the pics here, could you also send direct to me a HIGH RESOLUTION image as well as name of photographer, location and date. This will make things far easier than going backwards and forth requesting pics and explaining what resolution is required!


    Do send to [email protected] in addition to posting here. No submissions will be accepted unless they also appear in this forum.


    Good luck guys and deadline for the next issue is 18th November - so get snapping!





  4. Thanks Dazza! We reckon aviation should be all-inclusive and that definitely means powerchutes too (we have a particular penchant for powerchute pics incidentally ;0). So post you pics here and the winners will be reproduced in glorious technicolour. The closing date for this month's comp will be Friday 15th October. Sorry it's so soon but hopefully some of you guys will be able to dig out a few high resolution snaps!





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