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  1. HI AJ...Im building a vans RV 7. Im doing the same as you did. Im spraying wattyl super etch as I dont want chromates any where near me. i am using pre coat too....I know they say to use two pack epoxy over pre coat...I find after the primer is dry its quite durable. have you had any corrosion issues at all with this method? cheers Glenn

    1. aj_richo


      Hi Swifty,


      No corrosion issues that I can detect internal to the structure, I started building in 2006, flying since 2014. Some of the exposed parts like flap wells have small white spots here and there but I believer this is the zinc in the superetch reacting to moisture. Its acting like a sacrificial anode. Sounds ominous but a coat of clear lacquer over the top would stop it. Been too busy flying too worry about it.

      I believe 2043-T3 is the material your building the RV out of? If the pure aluminium coating is intact then I can't see you having any issues long term with this approach as the pure alloy is more corrosion resistant than 6061 to begin with.




    2. Swift12


      Thanks Tony. I appreciate the reply. Yes most of it is alclad. The 6061 parts have been alodined and done with two pack epoxy by a local Aircraft maintenance facility. Sounds like I’m on the right track. It’s nice to spray. It dries quite thin. Cheers Glenn

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