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Posts posted by geoffreym

  1. Hi,


    For a touchscreen, the sunlight readability is excellent. I'll be honest. The button models do have slightly better screens in direct sunlight, but in my opinion the usability of the touchscreen far outweighs this slight difference.


    What you can do with the transparent overlays on the main page is this: Each of the 4 corners has a customisable piece of information - text overlayed on the map. You can click on each when in the 'change mode', and choose any piece of information you'd like to be shown at that corner.


    The 4 'opaque' buttons that are on RHS of the screen on the map page are Zoom Out, Zoom In, Menu (Direct To when held down...) and the Home button.





  2. Map Navigation


    Hi there,


    You can navigate to a point on the map quite easily, with a few clicks. Once you have touched on the map where you'd like to go, click and hold the 'Menu' button. This will bring up the 'Direct To' page, where you can click the 'Activate' green tick button, which automatically starts directing you to the point you touched on the map.


    The menu button goes to two completely different screens, depending if you touch it briefly, or hold it down for about one second.


    Hope that helps!





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