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Posts posted by hillieg

  1. Hi All, I’m really only a causal observer and both me and my farther had a draw drop moment at the gate with the entry price. The three day price is very reasonable but $30 dollars in a regional area for a two hour air show does put off a lot of non aviation residents from Dubbo with their families to attend. Noticed a few cars parked out on the road watching the show for free. Wasn’t really a fan of the air show viewing area with no PA system and away from food stalls.



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  2. This year was my third visit to Natfly at Temora and it seems each year gets quieter and quieter. Less trade shows and seems to be less planes parked. The forums seemed to be the same as last year with the exception of the Oz Runways forums. One thing I found annoying was people talking outside of the hangers during forums! It was so hard to hear the speaker with people were gas bagging behind you. Also people rocking up to the next forum before the forum had finished and moving chairs on the cement. Next year there needs to be better sound equipment. Also was a bit surprised with distance between the runway at the trade show. All it would take is a stuffed landing going off the runway before collecting a group of people.


    Also this years event was supposed to be back to basics. I seem to remember that there was more rag and tube aircraft last year!



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