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Posts posted by Gerrit

  1. My flying mate and I are in the advanced stages of planning a fly/drive trip across the US in April next year. We will be renting cars at various stages and require a gps based nav system. If anyone would have such a thing and could lend, hire or sell it we would be most pleased. Regards, Don

    Just google "Navfree USA" I used it in Europe last Mont and it worked fantastic, also used it here in Oz a couple of times without any major drama's.

    I believe it works on android or Apple alike



  2. incredible at any time of the year we can only try to imagine the loss for those who stay behind my sincere condolences for family and friends, on these power lines privatization will not make much difference, because in that case every dollar counts even more.


    Having said that it could even be cheaper to put them underground, if you take in to account the tens of millions it costs every year to just keep the trees of the lines then on top of that the costs of repair after every thunderstorm or other heavy weather on top of that the inconvenience of it all, not even talking about unsightliness of it all and cost diverting traffic because of low power lines, coming to think of it they might go underground after privatization somebody might really have good look it it all and find out the real cost. Lets hope something gets done about a lot of them because looking up in this case does not always let the pilot live, happy holidays an lets all spare a thought for these people mourning their loved one, Gerrit



  3. Hello,I am new to this I am planning to build my own plane in the near future and I was hoping to use a diesel in it but it seems to be harder and harder to find something.


    A few years ago when I started looking, there seemed to be a few interesting ones but a few years down the track there are still the same web sites an there is very little progress.


    I was wondering if there is anyone who is flying a diesel or just perhaps someone who has a bit more info on the subject,


    Thanks G



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