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Alan Spears

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Posts posted by Alan Spears

  1. I say,you did good. Although you think they're mundane,that's only because we see those aircraft all the time. However,from a distance of a few more years,that video will be drooled over. Much the same way now if we saw crisp,colourful movie pictures of Ansett DC6s or Qantas Constellation. Also,I have viewed lots of aircraft videos that have stupid music masking the sound of the thumping radial engines.....the experience should be visual and audible.


    My friends used to laugh at me because on holidays my wife and I used to do 'airport crawls' instead of 'pub crawls'....hmmmm,maybe THAT'S why she kicked me out ;)



  2. Shops closed at mid day Saturday and reopened Monday morning. Servos didn't serve groceries,but we didn't starve. No credit cards,just a little bank book that had to be presented at the bank to the teller behind a little grill. If families were travelling on holidays,the bank could transfer money to a destination branch. Pay was given to workers on Friday or Thursday in cash in a little pay envelope.



  3. I had bottled milk in Sydney. In primary school we had it at 'play lunch'. Our bags were called 'bags' or 'cases'. One teacher and 44 kids with no teacher aid. Strange that we had to know all the rivers in NSW and the railway gauge (four feet eight and a half inches) We had to know the highest mountain and that Tasmania grew apples and hops.



  4. One third pint bottles of milk given out at school (hopefully before it sat in the sun too long)


    Toys in the cereal packs




    Hornby train set


    Casey Jones, The Texas Rangers,McCales Navy,Gilligan's Island (*singing '....set off on a three hour cruise...')


    Collectible matchbox labels


    Cards given out to kids at service stations


    Calendars also given out at service stations


    Sunny Boy ice blocks (in a pyramid shaped package)


    Wacky placs bubble gum cards.



  5. I'm back from the Great Eastern Fly In......how was it? FAN-FLAMING-TASTIC. The weather was fine,warm,but cool sea breeze. The aircraft were many and varied,Trojan,Mustang,AN2,Pitts,Yaks,Wirraway,Wingeel,Mallard,plus a bazzilion others. Excellent show for a gold coin donation. In fact many said that it was as good as any show that people pay lots to get into. Matt Hall did stuff that cannot be believed. I displayed my aviation artwork over the three days,met and talked to many wonderful aviators.



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  6. WOO HOO....guess who's going to The Great Eastern Fly-in at Evans Head??




    I'm staying for the three days and displaying my aviation art. I am setting up my gazebo art gallery to display 54 pieces of my artwork. So,if please people,seek out the 'Aviation Art' banners and drop by for an aeronautical chat. Browsers always welcome.



  7. KEWL....so possible starters are jrmobile,Dazza38,DWB..... that leaves Kaye. C'mon, $ are not much. SYF would use less fuel than many cars,accommodation is camping,free admission. Food...well,just shove some vegemite semmiches and a bottle of cordial in the back. It's a cheap short holiday amongst aviators :D



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  8. I guess one could put a 'watch' on ebay for "The Sky Beyond". Also some libraries would still have it. If yours doesn't,just ask them for an Inter Library Loan.....they can trace a copy and get it sent to your local library.



  9. Talk about judging a book by its cover. The cover picture on the paperbook is a painting of the Catalina plowing through huge seas,throwing back spray from the props. In the background is a listing ship.....now I have a passion for aviation art,so naturally I bought the book ($2 secondhand).....I am not a reader,the print is small and there is no pictures,but,WOW I read it and it is now a treasured book. The only other book I couldn't put down was about anti gravity :)



  10. For those interested,P.G.Taylor has written a book called "The Sky Beyond". He writes an excellent history of his aviation life. So much so,that the reader can imagine his exact thoughts and feelings. Being written by the man,there is the facts without the embellishment of rumour.



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