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Posts posted by eiclan

  1. Thanks chaps,the M14 radial is a wonderfully ponderous engine and in the culp is monumentous.I have a set of Hatz CB1 plans that I am looking at but I have been looking for something more simple so am still looking. I like the look of the Breezy for some reason as I only want to putt around on a fine summers day. Cheers



  2. Welcome to the forum eiclan.There are never enough homebuilders, looking forward to hearing more about your project.


    Tell us more about yourself ... any pictures?


    Cheers, Alan

    Gday Alan,thanks for that mate I will have to trawl through the machine to find some aviation pics.One of my brother is on to his second glasair though this one is a rebuild of a crashed aircraft but it had to be basically deconstructed and put back together again.One of my other bros is into helicopters and has his commercial.so I got a few pics if I can find them . Cheers





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  3. Gday from Perth,Had a license for a long time but haven't flown for a long time,well couple of helicopter lessons recently don't really count as they were more random movements in odd directions,so am looking to retire and build something . The preference is for four wings and a big round heavy proppenflinger up front.I am an old fitter machinist fabricator so expect to see me pop up and sprout on about the working of metal. Cheers



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