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TAA Student Pilot

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Posts posted by TAA Student Pilot

  1. Thing is Mr 747 is to enjoy your flying no matter what your in. Some once they get a bit further up in the food chain tend to look down on mere Cessna's and people learning to fly. No matter where you get to you should never stop "Learning to fly", whichever direction you should eventually head and whatever level you reach there is always something else to learn. We are all student pilots, even if we don't know it. SP



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  2. So everything you read on the net is true Siz? You think if you had one wing gone you would still put full flap down for landing on the wing that's still there? Use asymmetric power all you like your not going to counteract one wing missing. You think with one wing gone you would have a bit of rudder trying to counteract the yaw? If they are trying to pass that video off as the real deal I call bullsh!t.



  3. Those renactment camera people are the worst, can't focus or can't hold the camera still. :D The landing film on that clip is a normal F15 landing and they have brushed out the wing. Would you use full flap on the good wing if the other was missing? Wouldn't there be some opposite rudder helping hold things straight? If it was landing at near 300 knots then the nose would not be high like in the video. The whole attitude of the video is typical "Best of the best of the best" bullshit the yanks carry on with. I do believe that an F15 might have landed with part of the wing missing, when they try to pass off videos like that as genuine it takes credibility away from the truth.


    The F15 may have been a better long range machine for the RAAF than the Super Hornets.



  4. Robbo, makes no sense having pilots checked and putting them through all the crap when you can still get on a Dash 8 without any form of check, metal detection or security. On the same airfield you can have a ten foot tall fence all the way round, pilot passes, coded access for airside, everyone running around with fancy passes round their necks and day-glow vests yet a passenger can board an aircraft the size of a Dash 8 with whatever they like in their pocket/carry on baggage or aircraft stowed baggage.




    With the numbers working in major airports in everything from baggage handlers to shop attendants and security personnel there are all sorts ways to get around security. If you work daily with major airports Robbo you know how many breaches of security there are and how basic and simple those breaches are, they still keep happening.


    As I've stated before, all pilots have an ASIO file anyway, you ARE monitored/checked without doing an ASIC. What level of security do all those 10's of thousands of airport employees have to go through?


    ASIC's are just for the sake of it, to look like something is being done and we put up with the least resistance. Win/Win for those who want to look like they are doing something.


    The terrorism bullsh!t thing is used by most as a diversion. As a comparison look how many people get killed on the roads every year but there's no priority to repair dodgy roads, make dual carriageway for major highways, put more freight onto trains is there?


    How many people were killed with aircraft related terrorism in Australia in the last 12 months? How much was spent on flying security in the last 12 months? You could say it's because the security is successful, I say bullsh!t. Think of the lives that could have been saved if we spent that money on highways and traffic safety?


    Another point is the mount of money made in security, there are a lot of people making big money from all sorts of contracts. That's another reason this terrorism/security drum is beaten so loudly and often.



  5. Joys of working in another country Robbo ;) Sniffing chemicals is going well, should be back in the country September.


    Sorry to hear your bad news K. We have just lost a couple of our hairy friends in the last few weeks, it's hard. Just when life seems to be going well something comes along to stuff it up. Bit of a cliché but you have to try and remember the good times, it's happened there's nothing you can do. Take it easy.



  6. I saw one of these take off a few years ago from Brisbane. It looked to have a cargo of burning tyres on, no bullsh!t you could see the trail for a full 15 minutes after take off with the black smog reaching out into the Pacific. It also appeared to take the full long runway before it got airbourne, was operating in UN colours and some said operated outside any weight limits imposed on others.



  7. At most of the busy spotters sites if you look carefully you can see the spotters spotting the spotters if you know what I mean. Most of you keen photographers WILL have an ASIO file, gotta love our security services, saving the world:D



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