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Posts posted by RAZWAIEX

  1. Hi, I'm building a Onex at Goolwa in SA, about 9 months in and loving it,I am going with the aerovee kit, are you?


    Hi Peter,

    Not sure yet. Still weighing up pros and cons. Love the idea of more power with the 3300 but at double the purchase price of the lovely little aerovee kit. I think the best thing to do is find 2 builders with examples of each & go fly with them. Looove the Onex. Really envy the folding wings! Would be handy for me cause I'm planning on hangaring mine on a trailer in my garage once its built. How's your build going? Where are you up to?



  2. Hi there, building Waiex 185 in Lane Cove Australia. Have been building for a year, and have nearly completed rhs wing. Doing flush rivet option so taking a while. Joined the SAAA (Sports Aircraft Assoc. of Australia) which has been really helpful for a newbie to this daunting project. Would love to hear from other builders wanting to shoot the breeze about their projects.



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