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Posts posted by andrewp628

  1. Hey guys, been ages since i've posted anything here! i've now got Cockpit intercom in the video! In 2016 im moving to Adelaide to undertake a Bachelor of Aviation and get my license's upto and beyond my CPL over the 3 years im there. ill hopefully be cataloging most/ if not all my lessons and posting regular updates on my youtube channel. I'am Certainly looking forward to the adventure!


    Little write up about the lesson below


    Because of the location of my town, Geraldton WA, westerly winds meet with easterly's in early afternoon, this often causes strong winds and constant direction changes. Unfortunately i had a lesson right in the middle of that time. During the course of the hour we used 3 runways 08, 14,and 21. also making an appearance were several large 'Willy Willy's' (or ¿Dust Devil's? unsure of the proper term). so altogether it was certainly a challenging experience!





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  2. Hey guys, been ages since i've posted anything here! i've now got Cockpit intercom! In 2016 im moving to Adelaide to undertake a Bachelor of Aviation and get my license's upto and beyond my CPL over the 3 years im there. ill hopefully be cataloging most/ if not all my lessons and posting regular updates on my youtube channel. I'am Certainly looking forward to the adventure!


    Little write up about the lesson below


    Because of the location of my town, Geraldton WA, westerly winds meet with easterly's in early afternoon, this often causes strong winds and constant direction changes. Unfortunately i had a lesson right in the middle of that time. During the course of the hour we used 3 runways 08, 14,and 21. also making an appearance were several large 'Willy Willy's' (or ¿Dust Devil's? unsure of the proper term). so altogether it was certainly a challenging experience!





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  3. Nice video. Glad to see that you are getting to fly regularly! Looked like a very smooth landing and nicer weather this time.Would be interesting if you could somehow show some of the ATIS information (i.e.: wing direction and speed) on the screen for each takeoff and landing to see what conditions you are encountering or just put them in the show notes (don't worry if this is too much hassle)?


    Keep up the great work!

    thanks Adam!


    Surely wouldn't be too hard! Well especially with the audio connector you'll be able to hear the AWIS yourself! wont be flying for a couple of weeks now as i have a few other commitments but still won't be too long before the next one.



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  4. nice smooth landing there.. seemed like a really long takeoff roll though, hot day? had to laugh at all the flies in the cockpit, gotta wonder what they are thinking! wheeeeeeeeee!!

    wasn't too hot compared to usual in Geraldton, also not much of a headwind really! Must of been a great experience for those fly's going that fast for once 080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gif 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



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  5. i decided to make this video just an approach and departure time-lapse as the nature of this lesson was repetitive.


    A few things before the link is posted, I expected to have an audio adapter prior to this lesson, but that didn't happen. so all i've done is removed/lowered the music at takeoff and landing. so sorry about that!




    as always subscribe/like/comment to keep me motivated to make various videos in the future :D



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  6. Have to agree there Adam,. . . . .I MUCH prefer to see a FLYVID without the postproduction music track,. . .which seems to be a "Must Do" on a lot of these videos, ?. . . .what for, escapes me,. . .I would MUCH rather listen to the flying instructor yelling things like,. . ." You dickhead,. . .are you trying to kill us ? ? ? " and that kind of stuff, which is much more pertinent, amusing and INTERESTING. . . . to flight training and videos of same, without Pink Floyd superimposed,. . .much rather listen to the radio calls, the instructor patter,. . .and save the movie stuff until flight training is all over, and then make a movie about flying in some interesting places, then,. . .by all means intersperse the film with a bit of APPROPRIATE music ( if you must ! ) otherwise it's a bit pointless in my own, narrow minded, measly, horrible opinion. . . . . ( ! )This feeling probably originates from my own flight training woes,. . .WHICH HAD NO musical accompanimant whatsoever, . . . .just a surfeit of curses and threats from the miserable bar$tard who was trying his best to convert this complete idiot into some sort of half-safe aviator. . . . . . . .


    ANYHOW Andrew,. . . . . don't let some miserable Pommie Git put you off from posting further stuff mate ! ! ! ! But can you use some more appropriate soundtracks like,. . .er,. . . . those magnificent men in their flying machines,. . . .? . . . .OR,. . . . when you are doing your SPIN training,. . . .Queen's "Who wants. . .to live. . . .Forever. . . . .. . ." etc. . . . . ( ! )



    HaHa thanks Phil.


    i still dont have an adapter to record audio through my GoPro, i have one ordered so after my next video expect longer videos with cockpit audio.


    i found the sound to be really screwed up and a time-lapse seemed to be the only real option for me. but thanks for all the suggestions! I always appreciate it.







  7. Hey Andrew,Great video! YGEL looks like a great place to fly. Would be interesting to mix it up with rpt traffic.


    I have subscribed to your channel on youtube and will post a link on my twitter of your video.


    Looking forward to seeing more!

    Thanks heaps!


    YGEL has just a few jets and turboprops here and there during the day and quite a bit of charter work also but i think its a great place to learn without too much stress regarding other traffic(whilst still being exposed a bit), currently studying a short course at uni so i am just flying for fun until i can regain full time work hours and fly a lot more and then you'll be seeing loads of videos posted! thanks soooo much for sharing it!


    (p.s. if you ever get the chance to fly in Geraldton, you definitely wont regret it! amazing and beautiful place from the sky!)





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  8. Welcome and best of luck, keep us posted! Where in WA are you flying out of? do you have the non-time-lapse, non-music version? I think most of us like to see and hear what's going on. :-)

    flying out of Geraldton (YGEL), currently dont have to an audio connector for my GoPro, so the audio wasn't very good so thats the reason for the music and time-lapse.


    But I did just recently purchase an adapter so my next video will have audio!



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