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Ken Walker

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Posts posted by Ken Walker

  1. Hi - Well done on your licence - I received my PPL-A & ASIC in March. Took me 12 months to convince CLARC that my 11,600 hours, albeit 34 years ago, did count towards the the PPL-A requirements. I completed the written exams, did 14 hours or so getting reacquainted, most of which taken up with the procedural and airspace differences, then completed the flight test. In the end I found CLARC extremely obliging, just had to talk to the right person. Although about 50% of my hours are rotary, this time around I am sticking with the fixed-wing only - it has been 54 years since I have paid for any flying so the rates have been a shock to the back pocket. Can't help you with expanding your horizons, unless you get up to sunny Qld.





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  2. Hi J. I am also new the Forum, ex CPL-A & CPL-H, with Instrument & Instructor Ratings. After 18 years of commercial aviation I opted for a ground based completely different career, but now I am in the process of get my PPL-A and have another look at the world from above.



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