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Easy Turner

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Posts posted by Easy Turner

  1. Hi there Easy Turner, hope you enjoy the forum. I am "all things Skyfox Gazelle" which is a bit different from you, Enjoy, Debb


    Thanks for the nice hello, "Ms. Skyfox Gazelle"! It looks like you joined RF on my birthday last year. Now, how about that odd tid-bit? "I'm still looking for my dream Drifter but I'll know her when she passes by." Now, where did I steal that line from? Have a nice day and clear skys to you!





  2. Hello! Easy Turner here. I'm new to the forum and my current interest is any and all things Drifter. I am interested in purchasing a Drifter. I do not really care if it is finished and currently flying or if it is in pieces and needs some TLC. I'm leaning toward the SB version but I'm open to suggestions. In fact I really need suggestions. I mostly tinker these days and am always looking for a new and interesting project. In any case, it is my intention to buy one of these aircraft and give it an awesome home and the best of care. Glad to be a new member of RF!


    All the best,





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