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Posts posted by Haych_Bee

  1. You can also go Android. RWYS works fine, Im told there are some feature limitations not yet ported, but nothing major, I certainly dont notice.Dont know why people persist with ipad myself. The lockin to the Apple 'ecosystem' that severely constrains interoperability across any other platform is enough reason for me to never touch their products.

    Most Android tablets are far cheaper too than the ridiculous premium for Apple.


    just my 2c...





    I'm an Android user through & through!

    My LAME uses OzRWYs on Android... he tells me that some of the features are not as developed as on the iPad version (that a number of the other pilots in our club use...)


    On this information alone, I've decided to go with a new iPad.... they should drop in price soon, with the release of a new operating system (11) in spring



  2. Gidday, just found this site & thought it looked worthy of my attention... (I'm a new pilot of 250 hours, RA + RPL, not far off PPL)


    I'm about to subscribe to an EFB, & am leaning towards OzRWYs.... I dont have an iPad & will be buying one for aviation use...


    My question is... which iPad should I buy?



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