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Yren (Renmark) Flyin.

Guest studentbiggles

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Guest studentbiggles

018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif Hi Fellow Flyers, this is a BIG hug and thankyou for Basscheffers and Ollie who flew up today from Yppf to Yren for our Flyin and took me for a spin in his "Sporty". :thumb_up: It's been over two months since I've been up in the "Big Blue Shed" 051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif God I miss it but due to work commitments them can be the breaks 049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif


Poor Bas had a long laul home (via Goolwa) but made it home safely to Yppf late arvo. 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif


Question to you all.......Do you pilots do what I requested of Bas today and that is send each other a text after airborne pilot and pax have safely landed at home airport....It sure stopped me from the worring about a safe home landing for the boys considering the iffy Wx ??...I also make sure their tanks are topped up at my expence....Well after all they did make the effort to fly up to see me...Whats your thoughts.


All Fly and Keep Safe. Cheers Alley (Studentbiggles)


P.S. Qwerty rang me after boys had departed....Float Plane coming along nicely :big_grin: Can't wait to get down to Tassie later this yearand have a buzz in her keen.gif.9802fd8e381488e125cd8e26767cabb8.gif



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Question to you all.......Do you pilots do what I requested of Bas today and that is send each other a text after airborne pilot and pax have safely landed at home airport....It sure stopped me from the worring about a safe home landing for the boys considering the iffy Wx ??...I also make sure their tanks are topped up at my expence....Well after all they did make the effort to fly up to see me...Whats your thoughts.

Thanks for the news Alley, great to hear you all having fun :big_grin:


To answer your question, yes I do... mates looking out for mates, that's what we're all here for ain't it :thumb_up: As for the fuel, that's a great thing, makes flying all the more fun for everyone concerned! Mates helping mates. :big_grin:


Keep it up 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif



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Guest basscheffers

Yes, was an excellent visit, thanks for the hospitality; I hope the return it one day! Hope you can make it to Mt. Ive!


The flight home was ... interesting. TAF was for SCT030 all day. It was in the morning. But when we came back the Hills were covered with overcast down to just about 3ft AGL! No going over, no going under....


Exactly the reason I decided to top up in YREN.


So South we went, trying to find a way through to the coast. I already called "chuck" (our friendly, American sounding Adelaide Approach controller) and told him my intentions. He said it didn't look good, but worth a try.


We kept trying further and further* south to no avail. We knew it was clear way south, but by the time we would have gone around there and back up the coast... Didn't want to chance it, so told Chuck what we were doing and went to Goolwa for some go-go juice. (PULP95 in the bowser, yay!)


After stretching the legs we went due west, squeezing between clouds and the last of the hills to reach the coast. Asked clearance at Sellicks beach and straight up the coast at 500ft. Chuck had been relieved by then but his replacement came back with a transponder code straight away, so obviously had been informed. Nice one, guys! Two orbits at Marino lighthouse for Go-Cat inbound and Jetstar departing and we were on our way.


Called Parafield tower at Outer Harbor: "500ft inbound". Response was to track left base 03L "not above 1500". My response of "unlikely to climb above 500 due cloud" was met with "uhm, roger, cleared visual". :)


Uneventful landing, plane back in the shed and off to pick up my daughter at her nan and granddad's, then home.


Another 5.0 in the log and an "interesting" day of flying, with my first actual diversion. We planned ahead, had alternate options thought out before the one we were trying came to a dead end and were perfectly happy to go find a B&B in Goolwa or Aldinga if we couldn't get back. So no safety issues, just following training and staying ahead of the aircraft at all times!


Great day, but these are the days I wish I was instrument rated in an IFR certified aircraft! ;)


* yes, I know that "further" should be with an "a", but if I do, Ian thinks I am making smelly, funny noises and replaces them with asterisks....



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