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Finally converted to 3 axis


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Hello all,


I've been loving finding any excuse to get into the air for quite a few years now, started hang gliding in the early 90's then did quite alot of paragliding, but trying to tell your partener that sitting on top of a hill waiting for the conditions to come 'on' isn't wasting your weekend started to get a bit repetative. So I finally learnt how to fly in a Jabiru 170, and have had a good time doing it. However the expence of hiring a plane that you don't really fit in (I'm 6'7") did detract from the experience. So I started to look for an aircraft of my own that I fit in and did what I wanted it to do, I flew in the carbon cub at Aldinga in SA and loved it, low and slow with the doors open and can land just about anywhere, but I can't afford one of those. Last Easter at Natfly the guys from Alpine Aviation in Vic. introduced me to the Just Highlander, a side by side high wing that performs like I remember the cub doing, so now I've got myself a kit and am about to start building it. With 2 toddlers and another on the way it could be a mammoth undertaking but I'm willing. I probably need to join a builders forum for the million tips that are out there. Never to proud to accept help.


Wish me luck.



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Hey mate, awesome to hear!


My instructor sells the Highlander (could have been your salesperson at Natfly!).


Not a bad machine at all I reckon, hope you enjoy it.



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