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Hi from Tasmania

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My name is Paul and I have just joined up today 002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif I am from Launceston Tasmania and am quite active in the plane logging hobby having written my own custom software to do this.


I am really looking forward to be coming an active member on here and learning as much as I can.





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Guest davidh10

No worries. Pleased to meet you Paul and welcome to the site.


While I've heard of plane spotters and even seen lots of YouTube videos taken by some (some really good and exciting footage), I know almost nothing about that hobby. Would you like to tell us some more about the hobby, what parts interest you, and what prompted you to take it up?



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Thanks for the warm welcome David.


Plane logging is very much like plane spotting but what I do is more to do with the radio communications side of things, I listen to the various ATC and company frequencies and log in my custom database I coded what I hear. This really came about as an extension of my radio scanning hobby which I have been doing for over 11 years now.





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Hey Paul, welcome along!!


Spent a few nights in Launceston during the week... I was pleased you have the same money currency down there... made it much easier to buy things... :P


All the best, and I hope you enjoy it here like many of us do.



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Yes, we timed it well didn't we....!! Jokes! Would have been good to catch you... ah well, next time now. Went flying in my friends Pietenpol - you've probably seen it, he takes it to Launceston airport from time to time. Went Qwerty-ing as well!



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Guest SAJabiruflyer

Hi Paul, I have a friend in Qld (Coomera) who does much the same thing. He flies all over the world in order to indulge his hobby, staying for days on end at large Airports, watching and logging planes. He uses a book though, not a computer. I am trying to convince him it will be reasonably easy to setup a spreadsheet or database containing plane registrations etc that he has seen whilst out and about. How hard did you find it writing your own software - I am a computer Tech so reasonably confident I could do similar - did you program in a particular language or use something off the shelf? Cheers, Brett



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