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AirspaceAvoid for Android?


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So I've got myself an android tablet (Motorola Xoom 604) and I've cast my eyes on AirspaceAvoid. I downloaded it the other night and paid the $17.99 for it however I was surprised when I opened the application, they wanted 49 Euros for the maps of Australia, so I got a refund. What does the 49 Euros include? Is it a yearly subscription to the maps like OzRunways has? If so then it's a good deal! Very interested to know how the whole subscription thing works.





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Andrew, it's not a scanned chart like OzRunways. The 49 is a one off purchase of detailed base map features (roads, railways, rivers , forest, ...) which don't change much. Without the basemap, the airspace boundaries and airports which you get for the 17.99 are overlaid on a black radar-like backgound. When airspaces/airports are amended every six months you can buy a fresh set for another 17.99. There's no AirspaceAvoid subscription as such, although PocketFMS subscribers get AirspaceAvoid updates included.


If you want to see the map detail, you can install a PocketFMS free 30 day trial on your PC (www.pocketfms.com.au). It's the same basemap and airspace/airport data.





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