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RAA MAGAZINE....where and when

Guest disperse

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Guest disperse

can anyone tell me when they hit the newsagents....cant seem to find july's anywhere


also when does the members market get updated THANKS





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Guest Fred Bear



I have not got mine in the post as yet either mate and I was sort of starting to wonder what happened to it ;) It is usually here by now...



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I was talking to the publishers about a week ago. They told me there had been a hold up in getting the July issue to print. It is related to info regarding the RAAus Board elections.





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Hi All,


Yes, the July edition will be very late. Apologies to all. If you feel the need to ring someone about it, please contact Zebra Publishing, the girls in the office cannot speed anything up about it. The number is in the front of the magazine (better grab last months copy).


As it looks, the magazine will begin delivery from the dispatcher sometime next week.


The delay was caused by the inclusion of the board nomination blurbs, which threw the complete layout of the magazine out, so it had to be re-done.


The August magazine should be on track again.







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The July issue has arrived in the office today. Those in the area that cannot wait any longer can drop in and grab a copy, otherwise, the distribution centre will have sent or are sending the mags out this week.


It's on it's way folks.





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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Jokerman
The July issue has arrived in the office today. Those in the area that cannot wait any longer can drop in and grab a copy, otherwise, the distribution centre will have sent or are sending the mags out this week.It's on it's way folks.


That was over a week ago and I still don't have my issue. Any idea when it will come? I'll be expecting the August issue soon. :)



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