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Gday from the South Island

TAA Qwerty

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Gday from Tassie


I was enjoying interacting with other aviation enthusiasts on another well known Australian recreational aviation website but it seems that I ran foul of the owner and got my self banned for three days. I don't know why, I didn't do or say anything outrageous or antisocial but I don't want to go back there again. Bahhhh, doesn't matter.


I am an aviation addict, I have a fairly unique view of the world, (at least my view appears to be different from the neuro-typical view), I own two dogs, a Lightwing and a 6 cylinder tailwheel Jabiru. I like to fly and I get about a bit.


I like to challenge my self in many things, I like challenging cross country flights like flying my Lightwing from Tas up the coast to Cook Town and back via the outback. I like to challenge conventional thinking on many topics, particularly when conventional thinking is stupid. I have trouble tolerating stupidity and closed minds (maybe that's why I was banned from the other site?).


I am looking forward to discussing anything aviation and getting to know the members here.



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Guest Darren Masters

G'day mate and welcome to the forums. You have indeed found the right place and as Glenn mentioned, NOBODY gets banned here.



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Guest Canberra Man



Pleased to be here. Long in the tooth at 79 but quite active. I still manage to put time in at the local aviation museum. I did national service in the late forties in the Royal Artillery and three months after demob, I had signed on in the RAF. Trained as electrical fitter and first worked on the Avro Lincoln and then the Canberra. I also help my wife breeding miniature poodles, we have a litter due in three weeks.





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