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Muddy Take-off


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Guest Darren Masters

Must admit I was waiting for it to crash off the end of the runway...:eek: There is a video taken from inside too. Rather scary!



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There is a video taken from inside too. Rather scary!

That might be this one , Darren, although the snow seems to be missing. It just seems unbelievable that they would do that. The strip would have a hard base, but looks like a lot of slop on top. It must keep the maintainence crew busy.


Cheers, Willie.





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I've been trying to find - without success - a spectacular clip from a WW2 doco which has a P38 landing(?) taking off(?) from a strip which probably has Marsden matting laid down.


Somewhere in the south west Pacific. Very very splashy indeed. Puts the term "service conditions" in a new light.



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I've been trying to find - without success - a spectacular clip from a WW2 doco which has a P38 landing(?) taking off(?) from a strip which probably has Marsden matting laid down.Somewhere in the south west Pacific. Very very splashy indeed. Puts the term "service conditions" in a new light.

I don't recall seeing that one around anywhere, it would be good to watch if it shows up. This History Channel doco on P-38's is good viewing, it must be a few years old going by the age of the veterans being interviewed. It's in three parts,


Part 1.




Part 2.




Part 3.




This is another interesting one, a 1943 P-38 flight training film, about 35 minutes in length.




Cheers, Willie.



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  • 3 weeks later...
I've been trying to find - without success - a spectacular clip from a WW2 doco which has a P38 landing(?) taking off(?) from a strip which probably has Marsden matting laid down.Somewhere in the south west Pacific. Very very splashy indeed. Puts the term "service conditions" in a new light.

Geoff, I was watching a doco a couple of days ago, called 'War in the North' about the campaign in the Aleutians. There was a brief glimpse of a P-38 landing at Adak in conditions similar to what you describe. Turns out they used much of the same footage as John Huston's 'Report from the Aleutians', which is on youtube in various forms. The same landing and others are here in better detail from 16min 30secs. onwards to around 17min 30secs. Immediately previous to this is some good footage of the airstrip construction, probably worth watching as well. I wonder if it's the same landing you're talking about.


Cheers, Willie.




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Geoff, I was watching a doco a couple of days ago, called 'War in the North' about the campaign in the Aleutians. There was a brief glimpse of a P-38 landing at Adak in conditions similar to what you describe. Turns out they used much of the same footage as John Huston's 'Report from the Aleutians', which is on youtube in various forms. The same landing and others are here in better detail from 16min 30secs. onwards to around 17min 30secs. Immediately previous to this is some good footage of the airstrip construction, probably worth watching as well. I wonder if it's the same landing you're talking about.Cheers, Willie.


Hi Willie... as soon as I saw "Aleutians" I knew it wasn't necessary to go any further. Yes - that's it, and about as far from the tropical Pacific as one could wish for.

So much for my memory. Thanks Willie.:)



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