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Hmm, stupid, dangerous, exhilarating. His aircraft, his life and endangering no one else. Very lucky that none of those birds came his way although he did climb on 2 occasions to avoid them. Nice to see that he let others know he was OK and not about the crash. So nice to be able to watch a video without some awful music being added on. Just needs to quieten the wind noise though.



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Deskpilot, you just nailed with your description of the flight.I could not articulate it better. I have to admit the video makes it look closer to the water that it actually was. the airplane has virtually no blind spot up front so it is very easy to scan birds and obstacles. Early on my training I found that in case of a need for an forced landing I would find myself ill prepared to be able to maneuver effectively close to the ground in order to avoid obstacles and to place the plane on a very tight spot if I needed to. practicing maneuvers at 1000 feet more did nothing to really improve my chances. Living in South Florida, Miami is a very narrow stripe of a city bordered to the west with a swamp called The Everglades and to the east you have water. Imagine if you fly here, every time you face the possibility of a forced landing on an Alligator's infected swamp if you go west. To land on any place you could find within the city or if you fly east the chance of going down on the water. with a Bravo airspace you are limited to fly lower than a 1000 feet if you would like to enjoy the beach by air so you better be an optimistic. I still find my trip to work everyday a very dangerous business with the road full of sleep deprived, inattentive and even drunk drivers riding big trucks just ready to kill you without a warning. I don't advise this kind of flying to anybody and actively discourage anybody to take chances. The improved aerodynamics very close to a calmed sea on a bay gives the incomparable sensation of floating on a laminar flow that I did never had the chance to experience before.



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