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Manningham Council blocks Wonga Park backyard helicopter pad


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A WONGA Park man’s backyard helicopter has been grounded after the “loud and intrusive” noise provoked the ire of his neighbours.Rodney Williams built a makeshift landing pad for his Robinson 44 chopper without a permit in 2012, resulting in several complaints from people living nearby.


Manningham Council blocked Mr Williams’ attempts to get a permit, citing noise impacts as a reason.


Mr Williams took the battle to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, which this month rejected his appeal.


Tribunal documents show five houses are within 150m of the proposed helipad, with one test at the nearest home, only 74m from where the chopper would land, found noise levels reached the maximum decibel level allowed under Environmental Protection Authority guidelines.


Tribunal member Susan Whitney, who visited Mr Williams’ property to watch the helicopter in flight, said the noise was “loud and intrusive” at times.


Ms Whitney backed the council’s plan not to issue a permit, but flatly rejected concerns the helicopter would distract nearby drivers and lead to road accidents.


She added it was “speculative” the noise from the helicopter would disturb local wildlife.


The case was the latest in a series of council clampdowns on private helicopter landing sites across Manningham.


Mr Williams’ property is just a 10-minute drive, or a short scenic helicopter flight, from Olivigna winery, which was denied a permit for a helipad in May.


About 60 residents objected to the establishment of a landing area at the Warrandyte South winery and the plans were rejected by the council due to the impact on local amenity.


But, in a key tribunal finding in 2005, member Margaret Baird found in favour of a Wonga Park resident granted permission for a helipad to be built on private land next to Warrandyte State Park.


Mr Williams has been contacted for comment.

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