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Kneeboard for Flight Simulator


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Greetings to all virtual pilots ... and even real ones.002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif


I open this topic to talk about electronic Kneeboard, that you use during the flight with the available information (briefings, ATC communications, flight plan, controls, the aircraft checklist and references).


And, just in relation to the last two items (many aircraft, both default that available on the web, already have the checklist and reference files) I inform you that there is also an utility with more than 320 files for this purpose,


which can be simply used to replace the existing or to add them if missing (often by downloading from the Web).


It provides a table (Excel) that identifies all treaties aircraft.


Most of the files integrates images and data taken by courtesy granting of Eurocontrol 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif, the Aircraft Performance Database editor.


This utility should be available soon (AvSim, FlighSim portals and, I hope, also in Italy)


I'm confident to meet some interest, and also I hope to find friends that can improve by integrating some with missing data (in particular with the information relating to the speed of the flaps extension, missing in many cases).


Thank you to the interested people and even more to those who will contribute 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif to the improvement.


022_wink.gif.2137519eeebfc3acb3315da062b6b1c1.gif Aldo




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Hello 002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif


I confirm to the interested users that, waiting 047_freaked.gif.8ed0ad517b0740d5ec95a319c864c7e3.gif AvSim, the material is already available:


- Tuttovola: Kneeboard per Flight Simulator


- FlightSim: http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/fslib.php?do=copyright&fid=194876


I invite again those who want to make their own contribution, for inaccuracies or to add missing data (eg. Maximum flaps extended speed)


greetings and enjoy your flight!


022_wink.gif.2137519eeebfc3acb3315da062b6b1c1.gif Aldo



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Hi to all 002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif


I'd like to add a thing with this argument, as I asked somewhere (not here) how to to for placing a Briefing note inside the kneeboard.


despite no answer received 049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif, at the end looking a bit in the folders of the Flight Simulator program, I found a way to accomplish what I wanted. As expected, the document is to be integrated on the flight and not in the aircraft folder.


Here's a little video of the result



I say no more now, but I will go deep if anyone will be interested




022_wink.gif.2137519eeebfc3acb3315da062b6b1c1.gif Aldo



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello to the interested people and those who read too 002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif


I hang up the topic to inform that I have put together a small tutorial to try to clarify some doubts reported by those interested in the application.




022_wink.gif.2137519eeebfc3acb3315da062b6b1c1.gif Aldo




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