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Medical Obstacles?

Guest alphadriven

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Guest alphadriven

I am wanting to take up flying lessons with a local flying club in my area (Illinois). Looking at the class 3 medical requirements and would like some advice on how to approach this. I take fluoxetine (prozac) daily. I would not consider it for depression as I was going through a stressful time in my life when I was crabby with my spouse. Doctor prescribed it did help me not being so moody and hasnt really hurt anything so I have continued to take it. Convinced I don't really need to at this point and stopping the medication is not a problem. I also take hydrocodone acetaminophen occasionally for a bulged disc that will flare up at times. I have had two MRI's in recent years and it does not warrant surgery. Its not something I take daily or even weekly. I only take when the pain flares up badly. This prescription will last 6 mos to 1 year at a time. I have had cortisone injections in the past to help with this also. I believe if I really needed to I could get by with OTC products and my chiro if it would me I could fly. In the end, what is the timeframe that I would need to stop taking both of these to qualify for the class 3 medical cert? any advice or help would be appreciated.



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AOPA have a good write up on medications and flying:


Medications Database - AOPA


From that it looks like Prozac is a problem.


You can ring AOPA, they give advice to their members about medical issues, they might be able to give you some advice but you might have to join.


800-USA-AOPA (872-2672)


[email protected]



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I have taken Lovan for 6 years for mood swings , when I went for my class 2 med I had to provide a letter from my gp saying it is under control, no adverse effects etc..... . I still passed the medical but had a condition that I would need to get it redone yearly .



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