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Hi from YBSU


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Hi All,


Newby RPL / RPC Pilot (200 hrs) flying out of YBSU, part owner in a Tiger syndicate and committee member in SCAC, so learning fast... :)


Have been reading along for some time... now time to get rid of the little message down the bottom :)


Please say hi if you local ( or if you not of course )


Reason for coming out of stalker mode is...


I'm having a mini moke rebuilt for my son who is currently getting his RPC and would love an old school aircraft "6 pack" for the dash. Would fit perfectly.


My question is where would I buy such a thing and what should it be worth?


Appreciate all thoughts.





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Hi All,Newby RPL / RPC Pilot (200 hrs) flying out of YBSU, part owner in a Tiger syndicate and committee member in SCAC, so learning fast... :)


Have been reading along for some time... now time to get rid of the little message down the bottom :)


Please say hi if you local ( or if you not of course )


Reason for coming out of stalker mode is...


I'm having a mini moke rebuilt for my son who is currently getting his RPC and would love an old school aircraft "6 pack" for the dash. Would fit perfectly.


My question is where would I buy such a thing and what should it be worth?


Appreciate all thoughts.



Welcome W. . . .If you were in the UK,. . .I would suggest that you pop in to any GA repair agency, and ask if they have any ballsed up flight instruments, which have not yet been chucked into the skip mate. I saw a skipload of rejected clocks and dials at a local airfield not long back. . .BUT if you want 'Working' ones. . . ( ? ) then that may be a little on the expensive side ! ! ! You my well be able to find the 'Aviator's Six Pack' if you look around a little. . .


The A.A.I.B. ( Accident investigators) in the UK have hangars and sheds full of busted airframes and panels,. . .I dunno what they do with them all after the investigation is completed, as the Insurance companies certainly don't want them. . .the possibilties are limitless.


I used to own a Mini-Moke in the Mid 80s,. . .when I'd completely restored it to original spec. . . I was absolutely Gobsmacked with the panic that the FOR SALE advert caused. . .I had two guys ( One of whom had travelled from France ) fighting over it in my driveway and had to resort to an 'Auction' . . .I had asked for 'Sensible Offers' . . . Mind you,. . it was a bloody GOOD 'Un with a completely rebuilt engine and gearbox. .


I got £400.00 approx above what I expected to get. . . . then bought another aircraft. . . ( as you do )


Good fortune with your project Sir. . .



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