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Richard G

Richard G

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Hi folks, I am putting a new kit aircraft together soon and have to use a covering system on the wings, I would like to use the Hipec system as there is no rib stitching or tapping and you get a very even smoth finish and the system is very strong. I have not done this job before, has anybody had any direct involvement with Hipec before. Thanks



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Guest High Plains Drifter

Hello Richard, Ive never heard of a fabric system that doesnt use either rib stiching and/or tapping - I,m just old and dum I guess.


Could you tell us a bit about the system and what is the kit ?





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Hi Richard.


http://hipec.falconaravia.com/ try this site.


There are a Canadian couple Adam and Ruth Hunt who rebuilt 2 Lazairs a few years ago and they decided to use hipec system there is a story on this floating around the web somewhere. in short they raved about how good it is. the Lazair has a reflexed wing section and undercamber that when using conventional fabric sytems needs to be ribstitched. They were really pleased with the results.


here is a photo of their finished Lazair. Hope this is of help to you







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