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Anyone hired a plane in Singapore?

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Hi guys,


I'm heading over the Singapore In a few weeks time and I was looking to hire a 150/172 or an LSA for an hour for a look around.


I can't really see anything available that doesn't require a $2k+ membership before I can hire.


Has anyone else successfully done it without being charged an arm and a leg?







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I've found that often the best option is a TIF with a flying club, particularly in an area with busy airspace. Cheaper than a commercial sight-seeing trip and a much less complicated way to get some hands-on flying.



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You could try this one at Seletar: Seletar Flying Club


I know nothing about them, but it might be worth dropping them a question or two through their 'Contact Us'. Hopefully their maintenance is better than their spell checking.


Reciporcal Membership



Seletar Flying Club is open to reciporcal membership with flying clubs located outside Singapore for the benefit of our club members. For discussions, kindly contact us using our contact page.



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Yeah I contacted Seletar and they told me I needed to be a member AND I had to give them an additional $2500- up front for lessons that weren't refundable...


I guess they must get a lot of people (like me) wanting to just do a 'joy flight' and never come back.


I think I need to make a flying friend when I'm over there :)



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Its a small place, so you can see most of it from the top of the hill or in the cable car. Snag is the viz, which is usually lousy and a fair few clouds around. Might be worth saving your cash for somewhere more photogenic.



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Hi guys,I'm heading over the Singapore In a few weeks time and I was looking to hire a 150/172 or an LSA for an hour for a look around.

I can't really see anything available that doesn't require a $2k+ membership before I can hire.


Has anyone else successfully done it without being charged an arm and a leg?





Been there done that. There is very little (and I really mean VERY LITTLE) airspace that is available over Singapore for GA flying. The TIF involved 6 loops over the same space for a total of 30 minutes flying time (and sit down before they tell you the “fee”)
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I got my PPL in Singapore in 1992 at the RSFC...(should have done it in Australia but I was living there when the bug struck!)....the training area was boxed into a small corner in the NE of the island....I did my cross country training in Malaysia... apart from having interesting places to go (like Tioman Island and Malacca) it is MUCH more cost effective to fly out of Senai...it’s about an hour’s drive from Singapore...plus there (used to be?) a couple of N reg aircraft which is handy if you have an FAA licence (standalone or Part 61.75)



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