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Wash powder

Guest Redair

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A salesman is out in the bush, looking for customers when he sees a farm. He goes to the door and knocks. The door is opened by a rather large red-faced lady, so he bigins with his sales pitch.... Madam, I have the most wonderful product for you today, in fact it's so good, I'll even come in and demonstrate it in front of you. What is it? asks the lady. Why it's the world's best wash powder, replies the salesman, and I can prove it.


So he goes inside and and heads for the laundry. Do you have a family? he saks.


I have a husband that keeps pigs and a teenage son that is always working out at the gym, she tells him.


OK then, lets start with some sweaty gym clothes says the salesman, and he gets a t-shirt and begins to wash it, whilst chanting the company jingle...


"Wishy washy wishy washy in New Blue Sphere, up to the nose, (sniff) mmmm smells like a rose".


The lady isn't too impressed, so the salesman goes on. OK, lets try some of your husbands pig-farming overalls, and he picks up the stinking item from the pile on the floor and begins..... "Wishy washy wishy washy in New Blue Sphere, up to the nose, (sniff) mmmm smells like a rose". Now the lady is starting to take notice, but she says, well I see its tough, but what about delicates? No problem says the salesman, pass me a pair of your knickers. But the lady tells him that she hasn't any out to be washed. That's OK says the salesman, I'll wash the ones you have on now. So the lady takes off the knickers and the salesman begins... "Wishy washy wishy washy in New Blue Sphere, up to the nose, (sniff) mmm Wishy washy wishy washy in New Blue Sphere!!018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif





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