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CTAF-R's proceedures

Guest colt_pa22

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Guest colt_pa22

I had a close call today, a situation that could have been avoided if the other aircraft had a radio.


I was on final approach (Rwy 21 YRSY) when I noticed another aircraft performing a very sharp low level turn on the dead side of the circuit (Rwy 21 on my left adjacent the end of Rwy 21). I didn't think anything of it; I was landing into the wind which was about 10kts straight down the runway. I had made all the required calls and didn't think anyone else was in the area. Surely this aircraft wasn't trying to land with the wind?


I continued the approach keeping an eye of the other aircraft which to my surprise then turned a sharp final (Rwy 03) head on to me as I was over the threshold going 75-80kts. It was at this stage I could make out the camo coloured aircraft was a drifter ultra light. Not only did this aircraft make any radio calls, which is perfectly fine, he/she flew an incorrect circuit direction for Rwy 03, was trying to land with a 10kt tailwind and was operating at a private strip which does not allow ultra lights!


The other pilot still hadn't seen me; I turned on the landing light and at this time we were both just past the threshold 900m apart heading towards each other. On one side I had 50? trees at which I was now below the tops and a house on the right. Of course, being the faster aircraft I didn't want to push the point and assume the other pilot had seen me, aborted the landing and banked left once past the trees, we came very very close.


The offending aircraft also aborted its landing after seeing my landing light and quickly departed the area. Radios are not mandatory at CTAF's, I understand this, but a bit of airmanship helps.





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