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First chopper flight today

Guest Glenn

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Today I lost my virginity and went for my first chopper flight. It was Huey, VH-HUE from bankstown :)


My sister kept saying all day that she wanted to go up and that I "had" to go with her. How could I say no?


The day was the 40th Anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan (see post under aviation events)


It was a very successful day. I will get my pics developed next week and create a topic about it.



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Guest David747

Well done Glenn on ya first helicopter flight! Helicopters are just awesome and fun to fly on eh!? My first ever helicopter ride (and first ever flight) was in a Seaworld Helicopters Bell 206L Longranger when I was 4 years old. I hopped out as bright as a Christmas tree! You were so lucky to get your first chopper flight in a Huey! I mean WOW! I can't wait to see your photos. I'm glad you had a wonderful first helicopter flight! :D





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Good stuff. I have only been in a Chopper once when I was at Flight Camp at the Bacchus Marsh School of Aviation back in 2003. It was alright but scared the crap out of me when he pulled up and then dropped the nose to make a turn. I tell you I had to visit the Thunderbox after that :D :D :D



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Guest colt_pa22

Well done Glenn, how many passengers can that huey hold?


have only been in a Chopper once when I was at Flight Camp at the Bacchus Marsh School of Aviation back in 2003

I was a regular at flight camp from 2001 to 2002 Chop, I never did do the intro camp and therefore am still yet to go up in a chopper, but I did see it doing those manoeuvres you mentioned. I did go up in the Tiger Moth however and took the controls. Did you do any other camps?







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Well done Glenn, how many passengers can that huey hold?


have only been in a Chopper once when I was at Flight Camp at the Bacchus Marsh School of Aviation back in 2003

I was a regular at flight camp from 2001 to 2002 Chop, I never did do the intro camp and therefore am still yet to go up in a chopper, but I did see it doing those manoeuvres you mentioned. I did go up in the Tiger Moth however and took the controls. Did you do any other camps?






I wish I could but I didn't have a Brass Razoo to my name. I am hoping to do a few more once I get a job.



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It was alright but scared the crap out of me when he pulled up and then dropped the nose to make a turn. I tell you I had to visit the Thunderbox after that

Thats's the best part. We did 2 360's, left and right sharp banking...Now imagine sitting in the doorway with the door open 8)


This Huey received special permission to take up to 8 or 9 passengers.



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It was alright but scared the crap out of me when he pulled up and then dropped the nose to make a turn. I tell you I had to visit the Thunderbox after that

Thats's the best part. We did 2 360's, left and right sharp banking...Now imagine sitting in the doorway with the door open 8)


This Huey received special permission to take up to 8 or 9 passengers.


My Dad was in the RAAF in Vietnam in 9 Squadren in the UH-1H and he one day was going up in the chopper. The door was open and the chopper banked to a 60 degrees angle. He thought he would fall out but the pilot said that because of the force created by the Rotor Blades, he wouldn't fall out.



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Guest vh-tqp

My only helo flight was in a RAAF huey in air force cadets 31 years ago.


My Dad was in the RAAF in Vietnam in 9 Squadren in the UH-1H and he one day was going up in the chopper. The door was open and the chopper banked to a 60 degrees angle.

I can't remember if we were strapped in or not, the thing i remember most was doing a maneouvre like that and wondering if we'd fall out.


There'd been some recent issues with the chinooks at that time and we were told they could only carry "jettisonable" cargo. cadets were not considered jettisonable.



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  • 1 month later...
Guest WillMikoyan

Flying choppers would be pretty cool. I just had a lesson yesterday on Medium Turns and climbing and descending turns out at Moorabbin, pretty cool,i took some photos so i'll put them on here soon.



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